Madhav Gadgil
Madhav Gadgil obviously
is a sad man today. All those politicians ruling this country as well as in the
opposition are ganging up to rubbish a comprehensive report painstakingly
prepared by this man. Before doing so I wonder how many of them had really gone
through the report and realize the importance of its implementation.
When the report was
first submitted they found to their horror, how much attrition it may cause to
their vote-bank if it is implemented. Hence they immediately employed another man
with Rocket Science back ground to make a new study on environment (sic) and
provide suitable suggestions- and when I say ‘suggestion’ it is only a
euphemism for the word ‘water-down ‘-on the existing report. He promptly did so;
even identifying and naming hydro-electric projects as environment friendly and
clean energy sources! Though the report was diluted to a very great extend; the
political masters are still apprehensive of their real bread and butter namely
the Vote-Bank being affected and are wondering how much more water can be added
to the already diluted report.
This exercise of
continuous dilution of a report to suit their political ends reminds me of a
story of a sailor who went about to make a sailors cap from a precious little
piece of cloth he got as a gift from his mother. First he approached a tailor
for this purpose. The tailor took measurements and agreed to make a cap though he
felt the size of the cloth was a bit less than required. The sailor felt that
he should have a second opinion on this and approached another tailor with the
same demand.
This tailor offered him to make two caps with the same cloth
instead of one. This surprised the
sailor. He thought that he should look out for more options and get someone who
can make maximum number of caps out of the same cloth. Finally he found a
tailor who promised to create four caps. Happily he placed the order with this
tailor and when he got the caps prepared he found to his dismay that the caps
were so small in size and is more suitable to be used as finger caps.
Ptolemy was a revered
scientist of the middle ages. His postulate of the earth as the centre of the
whole universe and all the stars and other heavenly bodies circling around it
was the accepted idea then. It also suited the Church. When Copernicus, Galileo
and their ilk came in the wake of Renaissance period with evidence to the
contrary, every one opposed it tooth and nail. These Scholars even faced
threats to their lives for propagating theories which were considered to be
Same kind of situation
seems to be prevalent in the case of human development. Basically, as in the
Ptolemy/Copernicus case there are two schools. One is economy and business
centered development and the other ecology and nature centered. While the first
ones declared aim is to have development at any cost the second group feels
that a sustainable economy can only survive in a sustainable environment and
all development should be nature-centric to be sustainable.
The vested interests of the
‘economy’ group are very obvious. Short term and immediate gains are their objectives.
Instead of educating the common man with the repercussion that the future
generation would be facing due to the present generation’s greedy pursuits;
they are projecting the immediate inconveniences as mammoth and life
threatening. They even are able to woo the humble farmers and the common man by
raising the boggy of loss of cultivable land and compulsorily confining to organic
farming. Their stakes are quite high and they will go to any extend to protect
their concerns.
Today those who bat for
a nature-centric approach are in the minority and their task of fighting these
vested interests are very great. The
time is ticking away. By the time wisdom dawn on those who matters; will it not
be too late?